For Email Only Customers: Notice of Case CPI Envirco 22A for 1/1/2023
For Envirco Inc. customers who have their account(s) set to EMAIL ONLY, there is a Notice to Envirco Inc Customers of Rate Increase dated November 28, 2022. This Notice can be provided individually upon request either via USPS mailing or email. The Notice was mailed to all accounts (except the accounts set to Email Only), including those accounts with a credit balance or a balance less than $2.00, on Monday, November 28, 2022. The West Virginia Public Service Commission (WV PSC) Case number is CPI Envirco 22A. This filing is in reference to MC GO No 64.5 and GO No 183.12. These filings can also be found on the WV PSC website
All Envirco Inc. rates will be increasing by 5.344% beginning January 1, 2023.